About the Journal

Fluxos & Riscos is biannual, scheduled to come out before June and December, With rare exceptions, every issue will have a guest-editor (or guest-editors) for the thematic section of the Journal. It will be the responsibility of the guest-editor(s) to invite contributors or to accept articles intended for publication in that section. However, anyone else may also submit by one’s own initiative. The guest-editor(s) will suggest two referees for a double-blind peer-review of each article. This process requires that all articles are submitted to the guest-editor(s) and to the director-editor at least four months before the date of publication. That means, before the end of September and March. Any articles that reach after these deadlines may have to wait for publication in the later issues. The submission of articles is done online at http://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/fluxoseriscos/user/register  after registering oneself at the site. All other correspondence may be through the secretariat of CPES, using  cpes@ulusofona.pt

Who can contribute?

The articles to be published in Fluxos & Riscos may come from the members of CPES or from external researchers. The Board of Editors will launch regularly a call for papers, which will be coordinated by a guest-editor, a specialist in the main theme selected for the thematic section of any particular issue of the Journal. Every issue will have approximately two hundred pages, half of it dedicated to a selected theme, with about six articles not exceeding 5,000 words each, besides footnotes, bibliogaphy and appendices. The second section of approximately seventy-five pages will contain articles on varied themes and similar length, but always relevant to the objectives of CPES, and also subject to double-blind review. A third section will be devoted to short and exploratory articles, not subject to blind review. They may also include book reviews, reports of research in progress and scientific events organized by CPES, and will not be, as a rule, much longer than 1000 words each.

Editorial rules for submission of articles

1.  The initial submission should be in a Word file format (not pdf). To esnsure that the peer review is double-blind and rigourously such, it is essential to avoid the identities of the author (s) and reviewer(s) be known to each other. The authors must keep their names out at the beginning of the article and in the footnotes, and also delete the author identity in the file properties. 

2. Only the final submission of the text online,  integrating the recomendations of the reviewers must be in Word file. Send in Pdf format,  including the name of the author/s with designation  and institutional affiliation in a footnote to flux.risk@gmail.com. The author will have a week to resubmit the revised final version after receving from the editorial board the recommendations of the the external referees. It is not considered to be a final submission if the article is still undergoing  re-evaluation. The author may need to check the status with the General Editor by writing to flux.risk@gmail.com

3. Use font Times New Roman 12 for text, 11 for summaries and 10 for footnotes.

4.  Keep all margins of 2,5 cms.

5 . Keep 1,5 space between lines for the text, and 1 for the footnotes.

6. The title and subtitles need to be in bold, with font TNR 13 and 12 respectively. All the initial letters in the title should be in capitals, while in the subtitles only the first word keeps iniital capital.

7. The page numbering at bottom left and bottom right of the mirror pages.

8. There is no space after paragraphs or subtitles. The paragraphs  following should start 1 cm to the left.

9. The citations of more than 40 words should be indented, without quotation marks, and also 1cm to left, font 11, spacing 1.  

10. Source of images needs to be acknowledged, unless they are declared to be author’s property.

11. The image files / graphs should be in black and white, all numbered, and with a resolution that is equal or superior to 300 dpi.

12. Every article will need to be accompanied by a brief abstract / summary of 150 words in English and in Portuguese, stating the research problem, relevance, context, methodological approach, conclusions. This abstract should be followed by five keywords in English and in Portuguese.

13. Only unpublished texts shall be accepted, and these texts should not be published in any other Journal while they are awaiting publication in Fluxos & Riscos.

14. The style-sheet for composing the article will follow the APA rules as shown in http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx  

Double-blind peer review

The editorial board will approve an article for publication if it fulfills all the required norms detailed earlier. Contrarily, it will be returned to the author for resubmission. Only when the article is considered acceptable, the author will be informed by e-mail about the start of the review process.

The text will be sent to two external reviewers, chosen by the Journal Director with the advice of the Editorial Board of CPES and the respective guest editor(s), from among the members of the Editorial and the Scientific Board of the Journal and specialists on the subject concerned. It will be the responsibility of the Director /Chief Editor to protect the identity of the reviewers.

In keeping with the practice of double-blind review, the reviewers will not be informed about the identity of the author, neither will the authors come to know the identity of the reviewers. In case the invited reviewer is unable to accept the request for a reason he/she may indicate, the text should be returned to the General Editor. In such a case, or in case of contradictory opinions of two reviewers, a third reviewer will be appointed. A reviewer will be given 15 days to a month to submit the review report.

The review report should indicate if the article is accepted in toto (A), approved with suggestions for improvement (B), or rejected (C). Any suggestions for improvement should be forwarded with the report. These will be communicated to the authors for due action and resubmission.  As a rule, the resubmitted article will be sent back to the same previous reviewer before final acceptance. In case of conflict of opinions a third opinion will be sought.

The final decision for acceptance of a text for publication rests with the Chief  Editor, after consulting the guest-editor concerned and the editorial board when pertinent. The author will be informed by the Journal secretariat when the acceptance is formalized and when the article is expected to be displayed online and published in printed format.

 Director & Chief-Editor

Teotónio R. de Souza