
Fluxos & Riscos Vol.2, Nº 2 - Call for Papers


Call for Papers |vol.2, n.º 2, 2017

Vol. 2, No. 2 of  the Journal Fluxes & Risks is under preparation, to be out during the first half of 2018. The theme chosen for the issue is “Sustainability´ & its five-fold axis: Economic, Social, Cultural, Ecological and Political”. Our aim is to promote an innovative debate, focusing on problem solving for our future knowledge society.

Interdisciplinary research has been developing with remarkable success in Physical, Natural and Communication Sciences. We intend the papers to have the same interdisciplinary approach, reinforcing this paradigm in Social and Behavioral Sciences.

In this context, we announce here  the following thematic areas for this call for papers:

  • Economic and sustainability factors;
  • Cultural aspects of sustainability;
  • Socioeconomic inequalities and sustainability;
  • Challenges and threats from Artificial Intelligence to employment sustainability;
  • Alternative wealth production, replacing employment, among others

We propose to organize a conference under the same subject at the time of the publication of the journal, inviting the authors and others interested, in a date to be announced.

It will  be held at the Universidade Lusófona (Lisbon) to mark the launch of this issue of Fluxos & Riscos at a date to be announced.

Time limits:

(1)          Submit your proposal with title and a brief synopsis of 150 words until 22nd December 2017, addressed to

(2)          The full article should be submitted online at the site of the Journal after self-registration as author  following the norms that can be consulted at A copy of the article needs to be sent to The deadline for final submission  is 30th January 2018.

Guest Editors

Ana Lorga da Silva & A. Parreira

Teotónio R. de Souza
Director da revista Fluxos & Riscos