Case report: Treatment of axillary laceration in a cat using ozone therapy and moxibustion.

  • Inês Santos Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária- Universidade Lusófona, Centro Universitário de Lisboa
  • Vinicius Souza Centro de Investigação Veterinária e Animal (CECAV), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Lusófona, Centro Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal.


Objectives: The objective of the work was to demonstrate the successful use of veterinary integrative medicine techniques in a 5-year-old male, castrated cat, which presented a deep axillary laceration.

Material and Methods: On 04/14/2022, the laceration measuring just 1 cm, underwent surgery in an attempt to heal by first intention, in order to speed up treatment. The following day, it was found suture dehiscence and a considerable increase in the diameter of the affected area. In view of the setback, we opted to use the hyperozonized range of oils (Oxxy Vet Repair, 1200 PI). Later, we added moxibustion to the treatment to reduce the existing humidity. In the final phase of treatment, a bell with a diameter considerably less for the application of ozone in its gaseous form, with the aim of optimize your concentration in the desired location.

Results: This integrative treatment plan culminated in complete healing of the injury within a second intention.

Conclusion: The end result was complete recovery of the affected area without the need to return to the use of conventional medicine.

Keywords: Healing, Antimicrobial Resistance, Traditional Chinese Medicine Veterinary, Controlled Oxidative Stress.

Funding: This project was funded by VetOzOnO – “Desenvolvimento e Estudo de Novos Produtos de Uso veterinário e Terapias Clínicas à Base de Ozono como princípio Ativo de Ação Antimicrobiana” Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI I&DT).


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