Call for Papers - Vol. 1, No. 2 [CLOSED]
Rethinking board games in contemporary societies
Guest Editor: Micael Sousa (CITTA, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Universidade de Coimbra)
The idea of playing is older than culture itself, presenting a function that transcends physiological phenomena, to support human beings in the construction of interpretations and meanings (Huizinga, 1944/1980). Board games, in particular, have proven to be more than a form of escape from everyday life, but rather a mode of reproduction of its complex problems (Lorenzo, 2017), which can support important critical reflections. Moreover, and unlike a significant part of digital game communities, the board game community tends to be particularly inclusive, valuing diversity, associated with an industry receptive to feedback from those who play (Booth, 2021).
For the second issue of the first volume of IJGSI, we are accepting talk proposals that are related, not exclusively, with one or more of the following aspects:
- The potential social impact of board games
- Board games in community development
- Board games as a tool for social inclusion
- Sustainable proposals for board games design and modding
- Board games as a tool or strategy to promote change
- Learning through board games
- The accessibility of board games
- Diversity and representation in the board games industry and community
- New spaces and contexts for play
- 'Serious' applications for commercial board games
- Hybrid games or other mixed approaches
Full papers must be sent to, respecting the guidelines establishing in the Information for Authors section.
The submission deadline is the 1st of June 2023.
This special issue results from a partnership between the magazine and the event LeiriaTalks at LeiriaCon 2023. More information HERE.