
Call for Papers IJMS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)


The International Journal of Magazine Studies (IJMS) welcomes submissions for its inaugural issue, showcasing original research and scholarly articles that delve into the multifaceted realm of magazines. IJMS aims to be a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge, fostering a deep understanding of the evolving nature and significance of magazines in contemporary society.

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Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Magazine Studies

This is the inaugural issue (Vol. 1, Nº. 1) of The Internation­al Journal of Magazine Studies (IJMS). Published annually by the Magazine Media Lab (MagLab)/CICANT, Lusófona University, Portugal, the IJMS is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that promotes a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge, fostering a deep understanding of the evolving nature and significance of the magazine formats in contemporary society. This edition was jointly organised by Professors Carla Ro­drigues Cardoso and Ana Figueiras, coordinators of MagLab, and includes eight articles that offer a comprehensive examination of the diversity of interpre­tations across various dimensions of the magazine media, plus an invited article signed by David Abrahamson, one of the most respected scholars in the Magazine Studies field. Proving the transnational nature of Magazine Studies, the peer-reviewed articles come from eight different countries: Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Portugal and UK.

Published: 2024-08-12

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The International Journal of Magazine Studies (IJMS) is a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge knowledge, fostering a deep understanding of the evolving nature and significance of the magazine formats in contemporary society. IJMS is an open access and double-blind peer reviewed journal, edited by MagLab, the Magazine Media Lab, that is based on CICANT, a research centre from Lusófona University.