'By the aid of our glass you see’ Immersivity, Illusion, and Identity in "The Stereoscopic Photograph Magazine"

  • Sarah Judd Hurstville Museum and Gallery


Despite being commonly referred to as ‘Victorian virtual reality’, the social impact of stereography is rarely given as much scholarly attention as more contemporary forms of immersive media. Utilizing recent scholarship from media studies- in particular criticisms of immersivity and witnessing as a mode of perception- this paper will analyze articles from The Stereoscopic Photograph, a publication by the stereographic publishing house Underwood & Underwood. From this, it becomes apparent that Underwood & Underwood used illusions to create an ideological framework for the audience to understand their stereographs in. Far from being neutral, this framework tried to shape the viewer into a certain identity: someone who would continue to consume their products and uphold culturally dominant paradigms on cultural difference.


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How to Cite
Judd, S. (2023). ’By the aid of our glass you see’ Immersivity, Illusion, and Identity in "The Stereoscopic Photograph Magazine". International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media, 7(1), 46-61. https://doi.org/10.60543/ijsim.v7i1.8770