Social museology: historical and conceptual notes

  • Atila Bezerra Tolentino Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, com atuação no Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional do Ministério da Cultura.


This article aims to present a brief historical and conceptual trajectory on the field of social museology and Sociomuseology. The discussion seeks to identify how the discussions and debates in this area affected in the way how museums work, with the creation of community museums and the reframing of the narrative and museological practices of existing museums. As well, it aims to identify how it also affected in the theoretical reflections in the field of museology. It still intends to discuss the  connections and differences between what is social museology and Sociomuseology, as so the dilemmas and conflicts in this academic field. 

Keywords: social museology, Sociomuseology, community museums


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How to Cite
Tolentino, A. B. (2016). Social museology: historical and conceptual notes. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 52(8).