The Holocaust Museum of Curitiba from the perspective of Contemporary Museology (Master 2015)

  • Daniela Vicedomini Coelho Base 7 Projetos Culturais


The present dissertation supports the hypothesis that the processes of research, preservation and communication of the operational museological chain involved in the conception of long term exhibitions and program of actions of museums and memorials related to the theme of Holocaust promote the realization of the social function of museums in contemporary society, once they constitute a tool of knowledge, education and mobilization in service of the development of critical and more socially responsible individuals and of the diffusion of a culture of peace, overcoming racism, discrimination and intolerance, and human rights preservation. The dissertation presents the Holocaust Museum of Curitiba as a case study, a cultural and educational institution dedicated to researching, preserving and communicating the memory and history of the Holocaust. 

Key words: Human Rights; Holocaust; Memory; Musealization; Holocaust Museum of Curitiba


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How to Cite
Coelho, D. V. (2019). The Holocaust Museum of Curitiba from the perspective of Contemporary Museology (Master 2015). Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 58(14). Retrieved from
Theses and dissertations defended in the Museology Department-ULHT