For a Black Lesbian Museology

  • Geanine Vargas Escobar Phd candidate, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal


In this paper, I introduce part of my academic-activist trajectory from a biomitography (Lorde, 1984) of “escrevivências” (Evaristo, 2007). With that, I present the crossing of my own political practices linked to my research practices as a museum professional and Sociomuseology activist. By establishing an approximation of the New Museology movement, of LGBT Museology, as well as of a museology permeated by the (in) visibility of narratives, memories and cultural heritage claimed by sexually dissident black women, I intend to articulate a territory of epistemic dispute for the nomination of a Black Lesbian Museology.

Keywords: Biomitography, Escrivivências, Sociomuseology, LGBT Museology, Black Lesbian Museology.


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How to Cite
Vargas Escobar , G. (2021). For a Black Lesbian Museology. Cadernos De Sociomuseologia, 61(17), 5-41.