About the Journal


The journal De Legibus from Universidade Lusófona’s Faculty of Law is a semestral periodic publication, simultaneously published in both paper and digital format.                                                                

Cornerstone of an educational project, that likewise involves the very Faculty of Law and the Francisco Suárez Study Centre in a solidary totality of teaching and investigation, the journal De Legibus comprises a space of reflexive and methodological freedom. Of its authors is solely expected that, in perennial apology, they exalt the centrality of humanity and its eminent dignity in the Law.                                                          

In consonance with current standards quality control for legal texts, the journal abides by a system of double blind peer review, save in the case of invited guest articles.                                           

Equally valuing the dimensions of dogmatic construction, of a constitutive and creative reconstruction that is connatural to the task of concrete realization of the Law, and that of the dissemination of legal knowledge, De Legibus  wilfully includes in its numbers not only doctrinal articles, but also jurisprudential commentary or annotations, as well as literature review.

 Entitled after the great work of the Doctor Eximius, De Legibus cherishes the hope that, just as the former has, it may consolidate itself beyond borders, primarily within the expanse of Lusophony, thereby reinforcing the internationalization of the Faculty of Law