A reforma laboral em Portugal
The text deals with the labour reform introduced by Law 23/2012, following the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Portuguese government and the Troika (IMF, ECB and EC). This is achieved by implementing measures whose general consequence is the devaluation of labour, either predominantly economic or predominantly personal. The most significant changes relate to: (i) working time (reduction in the number of public holidays and of the annual leave and elimination of compensatory rest), (ii) overtime work (halving the bonus remuneration), (iii) organization of working time (with particular interest in the regimes of adaptability and hour banking), (iv) termination of the contract with changes in the dismissal regime by extinction of the work post and for maladjustment, and (v) reduction of the dismissal compensation for objective reasons and other forms to which the law associates identical effect.
There are still changes made to the system of collective relations and to the obligations of the employer towards labour authorities, an issue that continues to show a trend towards an de-administrativization of the "labour world".
Key-words: Labour reform; economic and personal devaluation of labour; working time; overtime work; organization of working time; dismissal regime by extinction of the work post; reduction of the dismissal compensation for objective reasons.
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