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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under revision or for publication elsewhere. Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • The paper follows the Ethical Code described in Instructions for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • Authors agree to the Open Access Policy referred to in Authors Instructions
  • The papers submitted must not indicate the author(s). When submitting, it is compulsory to fill in the "Metadata" with the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, e-mail contact, country, paper and orcid (optional).
  • Rules:
    1. Files for submission must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB), in A4 format;
    2. Papers should be a maximum of around 40,000 characters (including spaces, abstracts, footnotes, bibliography, tables, graphs and figures), which corresponds to approximately 18 pages, and a minimum of around 23,000 characters, which corresponds to approximately 8 pages;
    3. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing;
    4. Use 2.5cm bottom and top margins and 3cm right and left margins;
    5. Move 1cm forward at the beginning of each paragraph;
    6. The title, abstract and keywords must be in the article's original language (Portuguese, Spanish or French) followed by English.
    7. The title in the original language: Times New Roman font size 14, bold, aligned to the left. The title in English: Times New Roman size 12, bold, flush left;
    8. Titles throughout the text should be in Times New Roman, size 12, bold, aligned to the right with no indentation;
    9. Quotations throughout the text should follow the APA standard, American Psychological Association (7th Edition), namely (Author(s), date, p.). Short quotations (up to 40 words) should be incorporated into the text in inverted commas. Quotations of more than 40 words should be presented in their paragraph, without double inverted commas, starting with the advanced line (with a 1.27 cm left indentation and no indentation in the right margin);
    10. Graphs and figures should be numbered continuously in Arabic numerals. They must have a title, numbering and a font in Times New Roman size 9. They must be inserted throughout the text.
    11. Footnotes should be footnoted and numbered consecutively. The number referring to the footnote should be placed in the space above the line/word. The font should be Times New Roman, size 10, with 1 line spacing.
    12. Only use acronyms that are part of everyday language or designate an abbreviation that will be used repeatedly. In the latter case, the acronym should be presented in brackets after the original expression the first time used in the text.
  • The abstract must be in the original language and English. It must have a maximum of 1000 characters, in Times New Roman size 12, spacing 1. At least 4 keywords must follow in the original language and English.
  • Bibliographical references should appear at the end of the document, with only the works referenced throughout the text, in alphabetical order of the authors' surnames. The standard used should be APA (7th edition), and when available, URLs and DOI will be provided for the references.
    The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1cm spacing, before 6cm and after 0cm, with no indentation at the beginning of the sentence.
  • The paper must contain: title, abstract and keywords (original language and English), introduction, body (with titles in Arabic numerals), methodologies, presentation and discussion of results, conclusion or concluding note. In the case of theoretical papers or other papers that do not include empirical research, they must contain the same items except the methodology and presentation of results.

Author Guidelines

The Journal Temas Sociais of the Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa and the LusoGlobe Research Centre is a scientific journal that aims to disseminate original research, theoretical elaboration or thematic balance.

It publishes articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French by authors from various countries, with a frequency of two issues per year.

Submissions are subject to independent evaluation on an anonymous basis by two experts in the field.

The papers comply with the Journal's policy on privacy, copyright, ethical principles and submission conditions.

To submit your work, you need to register on the Journal's platform, and, if you are already registered, you can submit your work at 

Authors should consult the conditions for submission, with the rules and policy for publication in the Journal - 

Open Access Policy:

The Journal facilitates free, immediate access to its contents to encourage the exchange of knowledge at a global level.

By submitting their work, the author(s) authorise the publication and dissemination of their work and are responsible for its content.

Code of Ethics:

The Journal is a digital tool that allows knowledge to be disseminated in a globalised society where technology, communication and information occupy a prominent place. The publication promotes equal opportunities facilitated by knowledge. To this end, the Journal is committed to the content it publishes, adopting a code of ethics based on the following principles:

  1. The texts received must be original, solely authored by the author(s) and unpublished, i.e. they must not have been previously published, broadcast or sent to another publication.
  2. Authors are responsible for requesting any authorisations necessary for the publication of their texts, with the respective reference to the sources consulted.
  3. Papers funded by an organisation must be authorised to publish the results.
  4. All articles received will be reviewed by the plagiarism detection tool in force at Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa.
  5. The articles received will be evaluated by two experts in the field, guaranteeing the anonymity of the author(s) and the evaluators.
  6. Papers involving people as the research subject must obtain informed consent from all of them, with strict respect for the confidentiality of personal data and, if necessary, the decision of the Ethics Committee.
  7. The list of authors should only include those who contributed intellectually to the preparation of the work, i.e., who participated in the design and execution of the research, wrote and analysed the results, and approved the final version of the text.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.