Visions of the Future - Open Call IJFMA Vol. 10 No. 3 Dossier I
We're pleased to announce the upcoming conference Visions of the Future: Iberian Visual Culture After Democracy 1974–1998.
This conference is a collaborative initiative between MUDE - Museu do Design, Lusófona University, and BAU (Centre Universitari d'Arts i Disseny de Barcelona). Together, we will explore the visual culture of Portugal and Spain during the democratic transition. This event marks the beginning of an international consortium titled IDA – Iberian Design Archives, which aims to establish a research network focused on this significant region of Europe.
The call for papers is now open!
Selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Film and Media Arts Vol. 10 No. 3 - Dossier 1.
- Abstract Deadline: 22nd September 2023
- Submission: Submit here
- More Info: Visions of the Future Conference
We look forward to your contributions!
Please be aware that only abstracts submitted through the conference website platform will be considered.