
  • Visions of the Future - Open Call IJFMA Vol. 10 No. 3 Dossier 1


    We're pleased to announce the upcoming conference Visions of the Future: Iberian Visual Culture After Democracy 1974–1998.

    This conference is a collaborative initiative between MUDE - Museu do Design, Lusófona University, and BAU (Centre Universitari d'Arts i Disseny de Barcelona). Together, we will explore the visual culture of Portugal and Spain during the democratic transition. This event marks the beginning of an international consortium titled IDA – Iberian Design Archives, which aims to establish a research network focused on this significant region of Europe.

    Read more about Visions of the Future - Open Call IJFMA Vol. 10 No. 3 Dossier 1
  • OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS - NeuroCine Vol. 10 No. 2 (2025)


    Tallinn University/ FilmEU invites scholars and creative professionals to contribute to the 2nd International Baltic NeuroCine conference.

    The aim of the NeuroCine conference is to enhance joint interdisciplinary research endeavours on cinematic storytelling, film viewing, and related first-person experiences. The paradigm of 'neurocinematics' (Hasson et al. Projections 2008), refers to experimental studies that apply neuroimaging methods to study the functional brain of several film viewers, allowing generalisation over individuals in terms of what is called intersubject correlation (see reviews Jääskeläinen et al. 2020, 2021; Tikka et al. 2023). However, it has become evident that neuro-physiological measurements alone do not suffice to fully understand how the neural data of film viewers relates to the temporally unfolding narrative content they have been viewing on one hand, and film viewers’ embodied first-person experiences on the other.

    Read more about OPEN CALL FOR PAPERS - NeuroCine Vol. 10 No. 2 (2025)
  • Publication Scheduled for 2024


    This year, our editorial board is gearing up three issues: two of them stem from the outcomes of our open calls: "Fashion, Media, and Sustainability" and "Street Arts: A Global Language within Communities." The third issue will feature selected papers from the international conference, the 13º Encontro de Tipografia, hosted by Lusófona University, focusing on design and typography.

    Stay tuned for insightful content and diverse perspectives.

    Read more about Publication Scheduled for 2024
  • IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 1 - New issue online!



    The Editorial Board of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is pleased to announce the first issue of 2023 has just been published. The IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 1 is dedicated to games and learning with a recognition that games and learning are no longer new. Games have always been connected to learning, and this connection was underlined with the coining of the term ‘serious game’ by Abta a little over fifty years ago. This issue seeks to contribute to asserting the maturity of games and learning.

    IJFMA is open access journal, indexed in the Scopus database.

    All paper is available online here.

    Read more about IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 1 - New issue online!
  • Call for Papers Vol. 9 No. 2



    Call for Papers IJFMA Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)
    STREET ART - a global language within communities

    Guest Editors:
    José Dias Lopes (Lusófona University)
    Antónia Correia (lusófona University)

    Street Art expresses the character and history of a community through symbols and artefacts (Blanchè, 2015). Street art is now assumed as a universal communication language, a tourism experience and a vehicle of communication between artists and the world (Dovey, Wollan, & Woodcock, 2012). Tourists are now seeking authenticity in the places they visit to be involved in the ordinary and mundane aspects and spaces of the communities (Crespi-Vallbona & Mascarilla-Miró, 2021).

    Abstract submission by 16th April 2023.

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 9 No. 2
  • Call for Papers Vol. 9 No. 1



    CALL FOR PAPERS Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024) Fashion, Media and Sustainability

    Guest Editors
    Niinimaki Kirsi (Aalto University)
    Alexandra Cruchinho (Lusófona University)
    José Carlos Neves (Lusófona University)

    The International Journal of Film and Media Arts welcomes a selection of high-quality papers for an edition dedicated to FL_Fashion Sustainability – International Conference, held by Lusófona University (Lisbon, Portugal), from 3rd to 5th November 2022. This issue is aligned with the FL_Conference edition, in which the theme was - Fashion, Media and Sustainability.

    This call, however, accepts proposals for papers from outside the conference.

    Full Papers are to be submitted by 10th May 2023.

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 9 No. 1
  • IJFMA has been accept for indexation in DOAJ databe



    The International Journal of Film and Media Arts (IJFMA) has been accepted for indexation in the DOAJ database.

    DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) was launched in 2003 and its mission is to increase the visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage and impact of quality, peer-reviewed, open access scholarly research journals globally.

    Since the IJFMA's indexation in 2020, the editorial team has been working to promote a high standard of scientific quality and expand its online presence.

    Read more about IJFMA has been accept for indexation in DOAJ databe
  • IJFMA reaches Q3 of Scimago Journal Ranking



    The International Journal of Film and Media Arts, subsidized by the Film and Media Arts Department of the Lusófona University, reached the Q3 of the Visual and Performing Arts area of the Scimago Journal Ranking.
    After the IJFMA's indexation in 2020, the rise to Q3 of the ranking further cements scientific credibility within the academic community worldwide, placing the journal as one of the most highly ranked in Portugal in the academic field of Visual and Performing Arts.

    Read more about IJFMA reaches Q3 of Scimago Journal Ranking
  • Call for Papers Vol. 7 No. 3


    IJFMA Vol. 7 No. 3 (2022)
    Future Governance Models of the European Universities

    Editor: Manuel José Damásio

    One of the main goals of the European Universities Initiative is to establish transnational alliances of higher education institutions from across the EU that share a long-term strategy focussed on sustainability, excellence, inclusiveness, mobility and European values. One of the main challenges to be addressed by these alliances concerns the definition of governance and management structures, not only during the pilot period but also in the long run. Although a variety of models have already been implemented inside the existing alliances, several issues remain to be clarified, specially outside the alliances and related with their legal statute in the European arena for education and research transformation. 

    To discuss these issues and further deepen the reflection around the European Universities Initiative, the FilmEU alliance is organising a conference entitled “Future Governance models of the European Universities” that will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 5th of May 2022.

    Abstract Submission: 3rd April 2022

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 7 No. 3
  • Call for Papers Vol. 8 No.2 Extended Dealine



    IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023)
    Precarity and the Moving Image

    Guest Editors:
    Francesco Sticchi – Oxford Brookes University (UK)
    Maria Elena Alampi – University of Exeter (UK)
    André Rui Graça – University of Beira Interior (Portugal)

    Audiovisual Arts (both in their intra-cinematic elements and through its extra-cinematic contexts) have always been a vehicle to display and discuss precarity, as well as affected by it in their modes of production.

    The notion of Precarity, however, in itself, is also a very open and problematic concept. Often used in reference to changes in labour dynamics, associated with the neoliberal turn, and with the mechanisms of gig-economy, this term has assumed the most various significance up to the point of becoming capable of embodying and speaking in the name of an entire collective predicament  in the contemporary world. From the politics of debt/credit and the digital economy, to ecological crises, passing to accounting for the current reassessment of violent identitarian regimes (in the broad sense of the word), precarity seems to identify both mechanisms and dynamics of exploitation and marginalisation, and the awareness of a sense of vulnerability and interdependence existing between subjects. These latter elements, in fact, also allow for open and creative critical opportunities to be explored and mapped and, at the same time, actively mobilised in their counter-subjectivating potentialities.

    Abstracts to be submitted by 5th November 2022.

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 8 No.2 Extended Dealine
  • NEW DEADLINE for Submissions! Call for Papers Vol. 8 No.1



    IJFMA Vol. 8 No.1 (2023)
    Interaction, Challenge, and Learning: Innovations in Gaming for Serious Purposes

    Guest Editors:
    Pedro Pinto Neves - Lusófona University, HEI-Lab
    Carla Sousa - Lusófona University, CICANT
    Micaela Fonseca - Lusófona University, HEI-Lab
    Sara Rye - London South Bank University

    Game-based learning has made tremendous progress in the past thirty years. Games and learning were once limited to more or less isolated experiments, with scholarship struggling to move past simply acknowledging and coming to grips with the undeniable potential of games for learning. Games struggled to understand learning, and learning struggled to understand games. Since then, entire programs for learning with games have been implemented across a significant cross-section of disciplines and learning contexts, robust studies of real applications of games in learning have been carried out, alongside the building of a robust body of method for designing games and pedagogy together. Games have become a realistic option for training in solving wicked problems, with non-obvious solutions, wherever creative, systems-oriented thinking is required.

    Abstracts to be submitted by 20th July 2022.

    Read more about NEW DEADLINE for Submissions! Call for Papers Vol. 8 No.1
  • Call for Papers Vol. 7 No.1



    IJFMA Vol. 7 No.1 - Transversal Entanglement
    Guest Editors: Gesa Marten and Jyoti Mistry

    For this issue IJFMA Vol. 7 No. 1, we take up the title of the GEECT conference Transversal Entanglement, which
    took place at the Film University Babelsberg in 3rd – 5th June 2021, to further spin the threads of artistic research in film and weave them together in this journal edition. Transversal is process-oriented, transdisciplinary and multi-perspectival and aims to question and transform existing structures.  Entanglement invites examination of how relations between things effect each other and how relational processes may impact and affect particular artistic outcomes.

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  • Call for Papers Vol. 7 No. 2

    00_IJFMA_Vol7_No2_Call_for_Papers_copy.jpg   The International Journal of Film and Media Arts welcomes a selection of high-quality papers for a special edition of the Journal dedicated to CIIA 2021: 8th International Congress of Audiovisual Researchers. This special edition will cover topics ranging from film theory to contemporary applications of film that promote original forms of artistic research either basic, applied or experimental.   Full Papers to be submitted by 9th January 2022 Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 7 No. 2
  • Call for Papers Vol. 6 No. 2




    Engaged animation for the space(s) we live in

    This special issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts invites film makers, artists and researchers to submit papers that deal with but are not limited to the topics of:

    -          Animation and public space
    -          Animation and architecture
    -          Site-specific installations that use animated image
    -          Animated video-mapping projects
    -          Animated VR experiences
    -          Expanded animation environments
    -          Spatially engaged animation practice

    Abstracts to be submitted by 9th April 2021

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol. 6 No. 2
  • Call for Papers Vol.6 No.1



    The fiction that exploded: speculative ways of digging Design
    Guest Editors: Patrícia Cativo & Rita Carvalho

    Speculative Design, Fiction Design, and Critical Design are all expressions for a common approach which grasps design practice, not as a problem-solving tool, but as a wider human activity which comprehends artefacts in societal contexts. Speculative Design considers design objects as a result of social interaction, which implies narrative devices and storytelling practices, to build new contexts or understand previous ones. A Speculative design raises more questions than offers solutions, becoming an ongoing knowledge model, it is a self-reflexive and self-critical practice. (Dunne, A; Raby F, 2012).

    Fiction Design operates in a broad field of media and technology, engaging explorative means to become a discursive space. Fiction Design appeals to several operations and multiple methodologies, some of them borrowed from other disciplines like cinema screenplays, storytelling techniques, game prototypes, animation principles, digital applications, videos, short stories, comics, fictional documentaries, among others (etc…). This methodology, described as diegetic prototypes, implies a narrative thread beneath its process, where tangible objects are read into wider panoramas. It concerns more extensive world narratives rather than small and contingent stories, it cares for processes where speculative realities may become closer and tangible experiences, where the future may become a present condition to drawn better devices and artefacts. As a result, Fiction design opens a way to a more profound inquiring of social and political values.

    The future has just arrived before it was expected. The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic event made fiction surpassed reality, introducing abrupt and rapid changes in our daily life, with implications in social interaction, working, and learning conditions. We are living in a Black Mirror episode, without previous knowledge. Aware of the historical importance of this present event, we welcome all contributions concerning speculative design perspectives: from scary dystopic reality to utopian emergency exits toward mental survival and human wellbeing, from physical isolation to playful escapism.

    Thus, the present issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts invites papers that deal with but are not limited to the topics of:
    - Fictions and observations on Speculative Design 
    - Design practices and reflections on the self and wellbeing
    - Design activism in politics and art
    - Interaction design and playful experiences 
    - Experimental Design within education contexts
    - Vibrant matter and the power of things

    Abstracts to be submitted by 29th November 2020
    Provide a single document with:
    » ABSTRACT, no longer than 500 words with 5 keywords
    » BIO, no longer than 300 words
    » Name, Email address and institutional affiliation

    Please submit to:  or IJFMA website

    Please, check the author guidelines here:

    Timeline for publication:
    Abstracts to be submitted - 29th November 2020
    Feedback on abstracts – 18th December 2020
    Submission of full paper – 28th February 2021
    Final revisions – 30th April 2021
    Publication date – 31st May 2021


    Read more about Call for Papers Vol.6 No.1
  • International Journal of Film and Media Arts indexed on SCOPUS



    We are glad to inform that “The International Journal of Film and Media Arts”, an online peer-reviewed international journal sponsored by the Film and Media Arts Department at Lusófona University was accepted for indexation in Scopus from Elsevier, one the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world. The Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) of Scopus has pointed out that “The journal consistently includes articles that are scientifically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in this field”

    Following this decision, the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is now part of this rigorous evaluation system that brings international recognition for the quality of the journal and published articles.

    This process strengthens the scientific credibility of the journal within the academic community worldwide. In Portugal, IJFMA is the first open-access journal in the Visual Arts and Performing Arts field included in Scopus.

    Read more about International Journal of Film and Media Arts indexed on SCOPUS
  • Call for Papers Vol.5 No.2


    GEECT Special issue: Mapping Artistic Research in Film
    Issue editors: Manuel José Damásio & Jyoti Mistry

    A special issue on artistic research in film schools is an opportunity to reflect on the multivalent challenges, opportunities, potentialities and possibilities for collaborations that AR affords film schools. The special issue aims to also encourage reflections through case studies of AR projects and PhD supervision experience in film research and film education.

    Read more about Call for Papers Vol.5 No.2
  • Call for papers Vol.5 No.1


    Call for Papers IJFMA Vol 5 No 1 (2020)
    Videogames and culture: Design, Performance, Art and Education

    Volume Guest Editors
    Filipe Costa Luz
    Conceição Costa

    The next chapter of IJFMA is dedicated for the contemporary culture of videogames, encouraging authors to present original studies oriented to this immersive media that have a huge impact in modern life.

    IJFMA welcomes papers addressing one or more of the following themes:

    • Videogames as an art form;
    • Visual culture and games;
    • Videogames and animation for media literacy
    • Ubiquitous games research;
    • Games and learning;
    • Pedagogies of play;
    • Education and games;
    • Non-traditional gaming approaches;

    Please, check the author guidelines here:


    Full Papers: 28 FEV 2020

    Communication of decision to authors: 30 ABR 2020

    PUBLICATION: 30 JUN 2020

    Read more about Call for papers Vol.5 No.1
  • Code of Conduct


    This ethical code is intended to serve as a best practice framework for International Journal of Film and Media Arts' editors, authors and reviewers. The purpose is to provide a good service to the scientific community, ensuring quality and access for all to scientific knowledge.

    Read more about Code of Conduct
  • Call for papers Vol. 4 No. 1


    Vol. 4 No 1: Flow and Archive
    IJFMA is preparing a special issue titled ‘Flow and Archive’ dedicated to Television and to its current challenges.
    IJFMA welcomes papers addressing one or more of the following themes:

    • Early and current screen practices;
    • TV superseded equipments as material and cultural heritage;
    • TV and media participatory turn;
    • TV and transmedia industries;
    • Old and resilient TV genres;
    • Flow versus archive as a television challenge;
    • Memory and the obsolete in online video collections;
    • Social networks and other new challenges to public service broadcasting;

     Contributions are encouraged from authors with different kinds of expertise and interests in media studies, television and media history.

    Abstracts: 30 April 2019
    Full papers: 4 July 2019

    Read more about Call for papers Vol. 4 No. 1
  • Call for papers Vol. 2 No. 2


    Vol. 2, No. 2 Videogames and narratives
    The second number of this year’s edition of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is dedicated to videogames and narratives.

    In a time when cinema and videogames discourses are ever more intertwined, this special issue of IJFMA seeks to explore all the possible intersections between videogames and cinema at various levels from narrative structures to visual discourses, from reception oriented research focusing on the audience/user experience to more theoretical research focusing on the aesthetical transformations in cinema discourses that stem from videogames influence. Many authors such as Frank Rose or Oliver Grau have in the past discussed how ours is ever more a culture of immersion and not of illusion and the core role gaming plays in this process. The journal seeks contributions that will establish a common ground in game studies, between academy and industry. By opening its agenda to this topic IJFMA intends to keep at the forefront of the discussion and reflection on the future(s) of film and media arts.

    Call for papers: 27 September to 7 December 2017. Early submission is encouraged.
    Communication of decision to authors: 15 December
    Publication: December 2017

    Submit paper here.

    Read more about Call for papers Vol. 2 No. 2
  • Call for papers Vol. 2 No. 1


    Vol. 2, No. 1: Spatial storytelling: discussing the future of cinema
    For its third issue  — to be published in August 2017 — the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is calling for papers dedicated to theoretical and empirical implications of spatial storytelling for both film and other media.

    : Manuel José Damásio; Sylke Rene Meyer

    Publication schedule
    Call for papers: 21 November to 5 May 2017. Early submission is highly encouraged.
    Communication of decision to authors: 30 June.
    Publication: August 2017.

    Submit paper here.

    Read more about Call for papers Vol. 2 No. 1
  • Call for papers Vol. 1 No. 1


    Vol. 1, No. 1
    The first number of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is dedicated to documentary animation. In addition, this number includes a section about Portuguese animation film.

    Important Dates (updated)
    Call for papers: 15 April to 4 September 2015. Early submission is encouraged.
    Communication of decision to authors: 16 October
    Publication: November 2015
    Submit paper here.

    Read more about Call for papers Vol. 1 No. 1