Call for papers Vol. 2 No. 1
Vol. 2, No. 1: Spatial storytelling: discussing the future of cinema
For its third issue — to be published in June 2017 — the International Journal of Film and Media Arts is calling for papers dedicated to theoretical and empirical implications of spatial storytelling for both film and other media.
Today, interactive user-oriented narrative is overtaking story structures traditionally linked to linear time based narrative. Unlike time-based media, which are often single-authored, and presented to its audience, digital space based narrative evolves through user motivated use of the media affordances in different contexts. The user, unlike the audience, co-creates the story while playing it, but also helps in reshaping the media.
The International Journal of Film and Media Arts welcomes contributions in the form of full articles and reviews that focus on:
- The role of spatial based narrative in the transformation of film form;
- Case studies on the application of spatial narrative in different media namely those that cross film and videogames;
- Spatial narrative structures and models;
- Mix media used of spatial narrative.
Editors: Manuel José Damásio; Sylke Rene Meyer
Publication schedule
Call for papers: 21 November to 7 February 2017. Early submission is highly encouraged.
Communication of decision to authors: 15 April.
Publication: October 2016.
Submit paper here.