Sound Dramaturgy

  • Kerstin Stutterheim Edinburgh Napier University


Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of documentary films is invisible but most relevant, although often overlooked. The chapter gives a short introduction to dramaturgy and the importance of sound dramaturgy as most impactful for documentary film productions. The main discussion focusses on sound dramaturgy in films as The End Of Time (Mettler); The Island Of The Hungry Ghosts (Brady 2018), The Wale And The Raven (Leuze 2019) and El Sembrador de Estrellas (The Sower of Stars) by Lois Patiño. An analysis and discussion of the components of sound and music as part of the overall dramaturgical concept, the narrative flow, and their contribution to the final production and its sensual impact on the audience will allow a more informed
understanding of such approach.

Author Biography

Kerstin Stutterheim, Edinburgh Napier University

Kerstin Stutterheim is a filmmaker and dramaturg as well as Professor for Creative Practice and Director of Research at the School of Arts and Creative Industries at Edinburgh Napier University. She has been teaching and publishing broadly in the field of film and media dramaturgy, her films are internationally recognized.
