IJFMA Vol. 9 No.2 Editorial

  • Rita Carvalho DeLLi/ Lusófona University
  • Silas Munro Poly-Mode
  • Francisco Laranjo DeLLi/ Lusófona University
  • Luís Alegre DeLLi/ Lusófona University


This issue results from the international conference Encontro de Tipografia 13: Other Typographic Worlds, which took place at Lusófona University in Lisbon from November 23rd to 25th, 2023. During the event, there were lively and extensive discussions about ‘Other Typographic Worlds’ and what they can be, focusing not only on graphic/ artistic practices that potentiate an expansion of typography as a discipline but also on the socio-political implications of type, particularly around issues of under, mis, and overrepresentation.
