Issues Surrounding the Relationship Between Patents & Artificial Intelligence Systems

  • Pedro Dias Venâncio Universidade do Minho


The article focuses on the issues raised for patent law by the emergence of artificial intelligence.

We focus on Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) as programs with the ability to generate new functionalities and/or solutions to technical problems not specifically foreseen by processing massive amounts of data and training processes.

These EIS can be seen as either instrumental subjects or drivers of the inventive process, and potentially be recognized as inventors and/or holders of the right to register. The result of their processing may constitute a technical solution to a technical problem and therefore patentable subject matter, and therefore be recognized as an invention (either the EIS or the result of its processing).

However, this is only an approximation of these controversies, as their in-depth discussion would require a substantially longer text than the one we set out to write.


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Thematic Dossier - Doctrine