A CONDIÇÃO (PRÓPRIA): CONCEITO, MODALIDADES, PENDÊNCIA, VERIFICAÇÃO E EFICÁCIA — um estudo jurídico-comparativo do regime jurídico português e inglês

Miguel de Azevedo Moura

  • Miguel de Azevedo Moura Nova School of Law
Keywords: Private Comparative Law, Contingent Condition, Contract Law, Private Law, Portuguese Law, English Law


The purpose of the present study is to provide a legal comparative analysis of the contingent condition regimen — contractual term on which certain effects of the contract are subject to a future and uncertain event — of both Portuguese and English legal system. The five elements subject to analysis and included within the syntagmatic axle are the following: concept, classes, pendency, occurrence and non-occurrence of the event and effects. Quantitatively, it was found more similitudes than differences. Notwithstanding, differences noted are relevant regarding the dogmatical framework of the object.


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How to Cite
de Azevedo Moura, Miguel. 2021. “A CONDIÇÃO (PRÓPRIA): CONCEITO, MODALIDADES, PENDÊNCIA, VERIFICAÇÃO E EFICÁCIA — Um Estudo jurídico-Comparativo Do Regime jurídico Português E Inglês: Miguel De Azevedo Moura”. De Legibus - Law Journal, January, 66. https://doi.org/10.53456/dlb.vi.7439.