
Current Issue

No. 5 (2023): Temas Sociais, n.º 5

The journal Temas Sociais is published by Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa and the LusoGlobe Research Centre. It is a forum for the publication, dissemination and debate of ideas and research in social intervention, particularly social work. The journal aims to contribute to theoretical advances, policy outlines and practice configurations. It welcomes articles by academics and professionals from the areas above on relevant social issues in today's society.
This issue 5, from 2023, includes different contributions that are presented in the article sections with a set of 8 articles.

Published: 2023-12-29
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The Journal Temas Sociais of the Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa and the LusoGlobe Research Centre is a forum for the publication, dissemination and debate of ideas and research in the field of social and human sciences, social intervention and in particular, social work. It is an open-access journal, allowing free and immediate access to its contents to encourage the exchange of knowledge at a global level.
It aims to reach readers interested in international issues by publishing articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French by authors from various countries.
It was founded in 2021 and publishes two issues a year. It has an editorial team from the field of social work and an editorial board with specialists from different countries and areas of the social sciences and humanities.
Principles of transparency, scientific quality and theoretical pluralism guide the journal's editorial orientation. Two experts in the field anonymously submit proposed articles for independent evaluation. The papers comply with the journal's policy on privacy, copyright, ethical principles and submission conditions. Authors are responsible for the content of their work.

The journal is edited and owned by Universidade Lusófona -Centro Universitário de Lisboa | Centro de Investigação LusoGloble.