About the Journal

The Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE) is a quarterly scientific publication of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Education and Development (CeiED) of the Education Institute at Lusófona University.

Founded in 2003, its primary objectives are to publish scientific works in the field of Educational Sciences and to foster exchange with other scientific publications in the same or related areas.

The journal publishes original articles in four languages: Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish.

By adopting a continuous-flow and online-first model, RLE offers greater flexibility and speed in the submission and publication process of scientific articles.

Its inclusion in the most important international indexing networks provides it with high international visibility, making it a reference journal for Portuguese-speaking communities.

The Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE) follows an open access policy and does not charge article processing fees (APC - Article Processing Charges).

Types of accepted manuscripts

All manuscripts submitted to RLE must:

  • Address an important topic in the field of Educational Sciences from a multidisciplinary perspective.
  • Adequately incorporate relevant and updated existing literature.
  • Contribute to expanding our understanding of learning and educational processes at micro and macro levels.

Research paper

The format should follow a standard structure to avoid repetition and ensure that information is organized and clear:

Introduction: Presents the research context, literature review, and the problem motivating the study. Should include the objectives and, if applicable, the research hypotheses.

Methodology: Detailed description of the methods and procedures used for data collection and analysis, enabling other researchers to replicate the study. Includes information on sample, instruments, procedures, and analysis techniques.

Results: Presents the main findings of the study objectively, usually accompanied by tables, graphs, and figures to illustrate the data. This section should not include interpretations or discussions of the results—only the data presentation.

Discussion: Interpretation of the results in relation to the objectives and hypotheses, analysis of implications, and comparison with previous studies. May also include study limitations and suggestions for future research.

Conclusion: Summary of the main findings and their significance. The conclusion may highlight practical implications, suggestions for using the results, and the study’s contributions to the field.

References: Complete list of all sources cited in the article, following APA guidelines (7th edition).

Appendices and Annexes (if applicable): Additional material such as questionnaires, supplementary documents, and extensive tables that complement the article.

Make a new submission to the Artigos section.


Text that presents a critical and reflective approach to a specific topic. Unlike empirical studies that follow a rigorous methodology to test hypotheses, the essay allows:

  • Theoretical and conceptual discussion: The author presents and debates ideas, theories, and concepts, grounding their arguments in the existing literature.
  • Flexibility in structure: While adhering to submission guidelines, the essay may adopt a more flexible structure, allowing for a more discursive and less standardized presentation.
  • Contribution to the debate: The goal is to foster reflection and broaden understanding of the topic by proposing new perspectives or interpreting information in an original way.
  • Well-founded personal argumentation: The author may incorporate their critical and interpretative perspective, as long as the arguments are well-founded and contextualized.

Submit an essay to the Essays section here.

Critical Review

Text in which the author critically analyzes, interprets, and evaluates a work or set of works, offering an in-depth view of their strengths and limitations. It should include:

  • Summary of the Work: A synthesis of the main arguments, objectives, and contents of the work being analyzed.
  • Critical Analysis: An evaluation of the methodological, theoretical, and practical aspects, discussing the relevance, coherence, and originality of the material.
  • Contextualization: The work is situated within a theoretical framework or compared to other productions in the same field, highlighting its contribution to the area.
  • Conclusions: The author outlines the implications of the work, pointing out possible gaps, suggestions for improvement, and directions for future studies.

Submit a critical review to the Critical Review section here.