Call for papers - RLE


Thematic scientific journal: Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Paradoxes and Challenges

Invited Editors: Arlinda Cabral, CeiED/ULHT and Executive Secretariat of CPLP - Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries; António Correia e Silva, Universidade de Cabo Verde (University of Cape Verde); Bendita Donaciano, Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique (Pedagogical University of Mozambique)

Articles for the thematic dossier must be sent to:


In contemporary African societies, education and higher education are considered strategic and essential factors for social well-being and sustainable socio-economic development, despite the diversity that characterizes the sociodemographic, historical-cultural, geopolitical and economic contexts of these countries.

With the present thematic dossier, “Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Paradoxes and Challenges”, of the Revista Lusófona da Educação is intended to open a space for academic sharing and joint construction of scientific knowledge about the different aspects that integrate (and interact in) the Educational Sciences field of study in Lusophone, Anglophone and Francophone countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Studies on the relationship between education, higher education and development, educational systems, teacher training and the pedagogical relationship, in which teachers, students, curriculum, pedagogical practices, teaching methods and techniques and teaching processes interact -learning, including from a historical and comparative perspective, and on the influence of global agendas in national contexts, taking into account the challenges facing the implementation of educational policies according to the specificities of national contexts, are examples of possible contributions to a greater and better knowledge of the social reality (s) of these African countries that seek to achieve democratic access to education in quantity and quality for all.

Likewise, the knowledge of the speeches, perspectives, perceptions and subjective evaluations of the actors who interact in this field of study can contribute to the deepening of several themes that present themselves as enriching in the scope of the production of scientific knowledge about education.

Several questions can be associated with the research being promoted on education in socio-contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. First, what analytical perspectives have been developed? What is studied and based on what theoretical frameworks and critical perspectives? What methodologies and sources of data and information have supported the research work developed? In addition to the influence of economic and geostrategic interests, and the adoption of theoretical and ideological frameworks that reflect global, westernized and or African positions, how have we looked at the African educational reality? Has scientific production reflected a trend towards theoretical, logical-conceptual, methodological and empirical uniformity, or has it reflected the complexity, diversity and heterogeneity that characterizes education in general and higher education in particular in these countries?

With the aim of contributing to a broad reflection and a participatory academic debate on education in Sub-Saharan Africa, within the scope of the work of the Research and Learning Community (ReLeCo) Center for African Studies: Education and Society (NEA-ES), of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED) of the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), articles that contribute to the deepening of the following thematic axes may be submitted:


  1. Education and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Higher education in sub-Saharan Africa
  3. Education systems in sub-Saharan Africa
  4. Teacher training in Sub-Saharan Africa
  5. Memories of education in sub-Saharan Africa


Portuguese, French, Spanish and English.


  • Submission dates – Until december 2020
  • Evaluation dates – Until de october 2021
  • Authors Notification – Until november 2021
  • Publication dates – december 2021

Authors must submit a proposal between a minimum of 30,000 and a maximum of 40,000 characters (with spaces, including abstracts in the 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish and French), graphics, tables, images, notes of end of text and bibliographic references, which should not exceed 25.

All works will be submitted to the Editorial Committee of the magazine and subject to “blind review”. However, the organizers reserve the right to make final decisions regarding publication. 7 articles will be selected for the dossier.

Read the submission rules at:

Articles in the thematic dossier should be sent to: