Call for papers for publication in a thematic dossier in Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE)


Call for papers for publication in a thematic dossier in Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE)



Guest editors

Alejandra Montané, Judith Muñoz-Saavedra,Carlos Sánchez-Valverde

University of Barcelona


The institutions that make up the formal education system configure a basic educational map, but not the only one, where education happens and is produced. The function of Social Education has been situated on the educational margins, configuring an extensive and intense field of discipline and professional development. Social Education, initially linked to Social Pedagogy and Social Work, has been developing, in all territorial contexts, functions that have given it an entity and identity, sustained and projected in socio-educational action and sustained by the understanding of human rights, diversity, vulnerability, citizenship and social justice, among other elements. Since before the turn of the century, national and international professional associations (such as the International Association of Social Educators, AIEJI) have been developing meetings and debates on the nature of the profession and the socio-educational action that identifies it.

However, there is an urgent need to redefine meanings and open new debates after this long period of pandemic during which, socially, changes are taking place and new vulnerabilities are emerging. In the midst of the dismantling of the welfare state, Social Education is configured as a right and orients a struggle aimed at changing people's quality of life, based on respect and otherness, from the social, community and political points of view. Likewise, the figure of the social educator requires special attention in order to analyze the situation and context of institutional pressure in which he or she carries out his or her professional functions.

In a context marked by uncertainty, the global eco-social crisis and the escalation of war, this monograph aims to address the identity and main challenges of Social Education, recognizing the multiple contributions that the profession has made and can make to analyze, understand and transform reality and its enormous inequalities. The aim is to provide a space for reflection and a disciplinary and interdisciplinary meeting that brings together knowledge, learning and accumulated experience, putting into dialogue the theoretical and empirical aspects that accompany socio-educational work. It is also an invitation to reflect on the epistemic, theoretical, ethical and political implications of the profession and a space for the construction of knowledge that strengthens the figure of the social educator as a key actor to face the current and emerging challenges of our society. We look forward to receiving theoretical and empirical articles, case studies and comparative studies. Interviews and reviews of books published on the subject, focusing on the following themes, will also be accepted:

  1. Social education: profession or militancy?
  2. Identities of Social Education: the relationship with specialized education, socio-cultural animation, adult education, popular education, etc.
  3. Social Education/Social Pedagogy/Social Work: nomenclatures, epistemologies, shared spaces.
  4. International perspectives of Social Education: mapping of opportunities
  5. Professional fields of Social Education: places and linkages
  6. Insertion of Social Education in the educational/school environment: the opportunity of the school
  7. Social Education as an attitude of Social Justice: rights and citizenship
  8. The pandemic of Covid19: opportunities and challenges
  9. Social Education, feminisms, gender and intersectionality
  10. Social Education in the framework of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Submissions’ email



Manuscript submission: until 30 September 2024

Evaluation: until 30 November 2024

Publication: December 2024


RLE submission rules

Articles are accepted in Portuguese, English, French, or Castilian. Max. length: 40,000 characters with spaces, including the abstract with 1,500 characters in each of the four languages. Figures, tables (jpeg), images (jpeg) must not exceed 25 References.See also