RLE Call for papers: Thematic dossier: Artificial Intelligence and Education


Presentation note:

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing the way we teach and learn. With its remarkable ability to analyze vast amounts of data, adapt content to individual needs, and provide personalized guidance, AI offers opportunities to enhance educational experiences and improve learning outcomes. However, alongside these exciting possibilities, a robust dialogue surrounding ethical considerations, as well as the potentials and challenges for educational systems, is essential.

This thematic issue of Revista Lusófona de Educação aims to delve into the multifaceted landscape of AI in Education, exploring its significance and implications. Ethical considerations represent a crucial pillar of this discussion. As AI systems make decisions and recommendations that influence students' educational pathways, it becomes imperative to address issues of bias, privacy, fairness, and transparency. By critically examining these ethical dimensions, we can strive for responsible AI integration that promotes equity, respects diversity, and safeguards student well-being.

Moreover, this issue seeks to unravel the vast potentials of AI in Education. From intelligent tutoring systems that provide personalized guidance to adaptive learning technologies that tailor content to individual learner needs, AI holds the promise of optimizing instructional delivery, fostering engagement, and unlocking students' full potential. By showcasing cutting-edge research and innovative applications, the thematic issue of Revista Lusófona de Educação aims to inspire educators, researchers, and policymakers to harness AI's power for educational advancement.

However, embracing AI in Education also entails navigating a set of challenges. The implementation of AI systems requires careful considerations, including technical infrastructure, data privacy safeguards, and teacher professional development. Additionally, questions of human-AI collaboration, the role of teachers in AI-enhanced classrooms, and ensuring inclusive access to AI technologies merit in-depth exploration. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can foster a sustainable and equitable integration of AI in educational systems.


In this thematic issue, we invite contributions that shed light on the intersection of AI and Education, encompassing diverse perspectives, empirical studies, theoretical frameworks, and practical insights. We encourage researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to explore the potential ethical complexities and challenges that arise in the quest for an AI-powered educational landscape that empowers learners and cultivates critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning skills.

By engaging in this discourse, we aim to shape a future where AI in Education becomes a transformative force for positive educational outcomes, while upholding ethical principles and addressing the complexities that lie ahead.

We hope that this thematic issue will serve as a catalyst for fruitful discussions, knowledge exchange, and collaborative endeavors that drive forward the integration of AI in education, ensuring a future where learners thrive in a technologically enhanced educational ecosystem.


Thematic axes

  • Policy challenges of implementing AI technologies for Education
  • Research trends and pitfalls in AI for Education
  • Potentialities and limitations of AI in Education
  • Emergent ethical and social implications of AI in Education
  • AI enhanced teaching and learning
  • Personalized learning and adaptive assessment and feedback
  • Integration of AI in the curriculum
  • IA and teacher professional development
  • Smart classrooms
  • Educational data mining and learning analytics using AI


Text submission languages: Portuguese, French, English and Spanish


Important dates:

  • Submission: until 30 September 2024
  • Evaluation: until 30th November 2024
  • Publication: December 2024



  • Authors must submit a proposal for an article between a minimum of 30,000 and a maximum of 40,000 characters with spaces, including abstracts in Portuguese, French, English and Spanish (1200-1500 characters with spaces) and 3 to 5 keywords.
  • Graphs, charts, images must be saved in separate files and in jpeg format.
  • Bibliographical references in APA style 7th edition (maximum of 25).

E-mail for sending articles: calliaeducation@gmail.com