
Guest editors: Hugo Heredia Ponce and Ernesto Colomo Magaña. University of Cádiz / University of Málaga.


Introductory note 

The digital society is transforming and evolving at the same pace as technological advances in its various dimensions: communications, security, training, leisure, management, etc. These improvements, especially in the effectiveness and efficiency of processes, show that the future is linked to technological development. However, humanity and the world itself are not left out of the effects and consequences that derive from their promotion. The leading role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) also has an impact on aspects such as the digital divide, the lack of infrastructures, cybercrime, fake news or addiction to social networks, together with infrastructure problems that hinder real egalitarian development among technology users. 

However, there are many benefits that their correct and positive use can bring us. It is a question of taking advantage of the functionalities they offer to improve the quality of the different processes. One of the areas with the greatest impact has been in the field of education, where education professionals have been incorporating different technological resources to enrich specific aspects of their curriculum and teaching practice. Based on innovation processes, ICT have revolutionized competences, objectives, contents, methodologies, activities and evaluation processes, evolving and adapting to the needs of today's society.

In relation to the field of education, it is necessary to consider the potential that educational technologies can have in other fields of knowledge, and it is essential to have a frame of reference in which technologies are a means to their development and not an end.

Specifically, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - an action plan for people, planet and prosperity - establishes a transformative vision around three main axes: economy, society and environment. In 2015, all Member States of the United Nations adopted 17 Goals as part of the 2030 Agenda, as they "constitute a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people everywhere" (UN).

In view of the above and taking the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report as a point of reference, in this monographic proposal we consider the contribution of digital competence, specifically, technology-mediated methodologies to the development of a just society in which today's teachers become a key factor and starting point for change in the new paradigm requested by society and schools. Thus, the irruption of technology and the Internet has led to the configuration of a new cultural paradigm that shows that we relate to information and manage knowledge in a very different way to what we have been doing until now.

In this sense, there is research on this topic and others that do not only emphasise technologies, but also other aspects, but taking the Sustainable Development Goals as a cross-cutting theme.

Theoretical and empirical articles and comparative studies are therefore welcome. Interviews and reviews of books published on the topic are also welcome:

Thematic axes

  1. Technology-mediated methodologies and the SDGs.
  2. Digital resources and the SDGs.
  3. Cases and contexts where the SDGs are included through technology-mediated methodologies.
  4. Cases and contexts where the SDGs are included through digital resources.

Original papers are accepted from anywhere in the world and written in portuguese, spanish, english and french.



Deadlines for submission: until 31 May 2023

Evaluation date: until 31 July 2023

Publication date: 2nd half of 2023


Email for submissions and requeries:


RLE submission rules

Contributions will have a length between 30,000 and 40,000 characters with spaces, including the abstract (1200 -1500) characters with spaces in each of the four languages.

Figures, tables (jpeg), images (jpeg).