Call for Papers - Knowledge mobilisation in Education


This thematic dossier seeks to contribute to rethinking current strategies for knowledge mobilisation. In other words, the strategies that enhance knowledge utilisation, availability and accessibility in terms of its social relevance.

The aim is to present the most relevant and top quality research papers produced in this area as well as analysis and interpretation of empirical data and rigorous theoretical reflections on the field.

The concept of knowledge mobilisation has assumed different perspectives and definitions, for instance, and to begin with, the one concerning the utilisation of evidence and results of research for decision making in public policy (Nutley et al., 2007); other perspectives understand it as a method or tool that facilitates the transfer of research results into action (Bennett et al., 2007); it is also defined in terms of efforts to share research results with potential users (Levin, B., 2011) or as the actions that allow to make knowledge ready for action and intervention by third partners (Levesque, 2009; and finally, there is the position stating that research that is not used for action does not even exist (Fishman, 2014).

D’autres perspectives le repèrent comme une méthode ou un outil qui fait plus facile le déplacement de résultats de la recherche à l’action (Bennet et. au 2007);

The notion of mobility or knowledge mobilisation we propose here refers to the set-up of knowledge for practical application (Levesque, 2009; Sa, 2011). Unlike dissemination, that does not implie, per se, any commitment or responsibility with the process leading to the arrival of knowledge to any given communication channel, mobility and knowledge mobilisation involve an active role in the intermediate steps between research results and its practical application. The metaphor we use to differentiate distribution or dissemination from mobility or knowledge mobilisation resembles the achievement of the growth of any given plant and the simple distribution of seeds on a plot of land. While disclosure or dissemination would involve only throwing the seeds to the soil, mobility or mobilisation involves other processes such as land rakingn fertilization, irrigation and an ovgerall commitment to succesful blooming of the seeds.

Thematic Areas:
  1. Use and strategies for knowledge mobilisation
  2. Social utility of the results of educational research
  3. Dissemination of scientific knowledge
  4. Relationship between science and society
  5. Priority agendas and strategic issues
  6. Science policy tools that promote links with the demand parties for knowledge (either potential or actual)
  • Submission dates - December 2016 to March 2017
  • Evaluation dates - Until May 2017
  • Publication dates - 1st half of 2018

The author or authors shall send a summary proposal with a minimum of 30.000 and a maximum of 40.000, including spaces, graphs, tables, images, footnotes, and bibliographical references.

All summaries shall be submitted to the journal Editorial Committee for a “blind peer judgement”, although the editors reserve for themselves the final decisions about publishing of the received proposals.

Please note the submission outlines.

Submissions shoul be sent to: