Call for papers - RLE


Thematic Dossier – Education and Social and Community Intervention: new contexts of learning, subjectivation and socio-community organization. 

Invited editors: Ivonete Barreto de Amorim (EPODS / MPIES / UNEB), César Costa Vitorino (EPODS / MPIES / UNEB) e Sandra Célia Coelho G. da Silva (GEPERCS / MPIES / UNEB) 

Each article for the thematic dossier should be sent to: 

Introduction Currently, there are several intervention models concerning field research endowed with scientific rigor, which are continuously tested in daily life. Intervention research in the educational field is understood to be that which is associated with dialogical processes, with a view to potentiating significant changes for investigating and investigated subjects in a transformative perspective. Indeed, the investigations focused on the interventionist approach imply a field of possibilities for effective returns in different contexts, reverberating in a practicable and effective way in the problems pursued. 

Thus, in intervention-based research, analyzed events lead to problematization of practices. The notion of implication concerns to the constant look, the permanent reflexivity. Intervention-based research, subsidized by transversality, is concerned with comprehension from all areas of knowledge. It is understood that due to the fact of operating at the level of events, the intervention must always keep the possibility of the originality of the human experience, and the researcher willing to accompany it and be surprised by it. 

Intervention, as a rule, is linked to research to produce another relationship between the institution of education and application of knowledge, theory/ practice, subject/object, refusing to psychologize conflicts. In the process of doing/conducting research, one must take into account: implications of the researcher-practitioner with his research/intervention object; location, organization in which the research is carried out or to which the researcher belongs and, mainly, with the research/intervention team; involvement in social order and social demands; implications in the writing or any other means that will serve to expose the research. 

In this sense, it is considered that the educational and social intervention must attend and accompany the aspects of modernization, technological innovation of the organizations, in the sense of better serving the communities and proposing social institutions. It emphasizes the need to awaken in the subjects the awareness that the intervention must be based on projects managed rationally and that meet the existing demands, focusing on citizenship, where strategies of innovation, internationalization and network learning are affirmed as solid foundations for the local, regional and global development. Thus, privileging a socially integrated dynamic, with a critical, conscious and responsible practice, in addition to technical procedures, striving for interdisciplinary dialogue. 

In effect, this dossier aims to publish studies and unpublished research completed by masters and doctors linked to stricto sensu Graduate Programs; described as follows: result of master's dissertation, doctoral theses, postdoctoral research and results of other research related to groups, critical review of literary work and interviews concerning educational and social intervention in different contexts and specificities that contemplate one of the following thematic areas: New learning contexts; New forms of subjectivity and community organization and socio-community intervention. It is a fact that the Interventional Nature Research (PNI) generates knowledge, alternative / innovative practices and collaborative processes. One must think, then, of intervention with a positive and altruistic character. 

Thematic areas 1. Socio-educational intervention 2. New Learning Contexts 3. New Forms of Subjectivity and Community Organization 4. Public Policies and Social Development. 

Languages Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. 


  • Submission dates – Until October 15th, 2020 
  • Evaluation dates – Until December 31st, 2020 
  • Publication dates – 2021 

The author(s) must submit a proposal between a minimum of 30,000 and a maximum of 40,000 characters (with spaces), including abstracts in the 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish and French), graphics, tables, images, endnotes and references. These should not exceed 25. 

All papers will be submitted to the Editorial Committee of the journal and subjected to “blind review”. However, the organizers reserve the right to make the final decisions regarding publication. 

Read the submission rules at: 

Each article in the thematic dossier should be sent to: 

From the submitted articles, 7 will be selected for the dossier.