Textos de alunos do Curso de Pós-gradução em Museologhia Social na Universidade Lusófona. Texto fundador do Projecto de formação em sociomuseologia da universidade Lusófona
The long-awaited new indexation of Cadernos in SCOPUS is certainly a form of international recognition of the work carried out to provide the Department of Museology with a consistent and scientifically demanding journal, serving the deepening and dissemination of Museology and the School of Thought of Sociomuseology.
We also point out that QUALIS has risen to B1 and is currently the best-qualified journal in the Portuguese language in the field of Museology.
To all who have supported this Brazil/Portugal project, with their contributions and advice, our most sincere recognition. We believe that this "organic" connection has been and will be our greatest strength in the future.
Judite Primo / Mario Moutinho